Fra NATO Game Over <>
hi Arne,
i am writing in english because it is faster and we have only one computer with
internet here with nordic media crew. the independent media center people were
arrested already before the action, from the media centre and from doorstep of
Ulla went in to the action and was arrested with a group of people at the fence
of NATO HQ. there was a lot of police with horses, a helicopter, etc. 700
involved in the action, 400-500 arrested, the number will probably rise to about
600 at least, we have information of 500-600 so far. arrested within and outside
NATO HQ. among arrested one Danish, 13 Swedish and 20 Finnish activists. the
literary walk around NATO HQ was probably not arrested - we left from there at
about 14 hrs. the mood was nice but the literary walk had to change their route
because otherwise we would have been arrested.
i will send photos later.
everyone will probably be free again by this evening. the action is declared
finished now, at 16 hrs. Ulla was arrested at 13:10.
Juha Uski
(videresendt i forlængelse af tidligere pressemeddelelse fra "NATO game over"